Just Get It Written

Dream, Create, and Make It Happen …

Thank You for The Support!


vik - small things 2

Last week, I posted my idea for my author interview series Behind The Scenes, and issued a call-out for any published writers who’d be willing to share their writing journeys and tips to other fellow writers on their journey to publication.

A big thank you to everyone who responded and expressed their interest, both in reading and participating. I feel so honored and blessed to be surrounded by such wonderful people who are very generous with their time and words of wisdom! If that isn’t something to celebrate about, then I don’t know what is!

And because of everyone’s support, I’m also celebrating the guaranteed run of Behind The Scenes until the end of the year (all slots up to December have already been filled), and I’m now already lining up Q1 2015 schedules. Thank you all!

You can read all about these amazing people’s journeys every second and last Monday of the month. And yes, that means there’s a Behind The Scenes on August 25, featuring Joylene Butler, who talks about, among other things, a Seer who looks like Adam Beach.

So what else am I celebrating this week?

  1. I’m editing again, and after months of uncertainty and false starts, I think I’ve finally figured out how to fix the beginning of the novel.

  2. I’m also trying to get a bit more organized with my research. I hope I can keep it up! (I’d love to hear how some of you do it.)

  3. Sleep!


What are you celebrating?

Join us every Friday as we Celebrate The Small Things, thanks to our host VikLit and my fellow co-hosts Diana Wilder, LG Keltner@Writing Off the Edge, and Katie@TheCyborg Mom!

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26 thoughts on “Thank You for The Support!

  1. Congratulations on your successes! I think your Behind the Scenes series will be fantastic. Hope you get lots of sleep! I always feel so much better when I get enough sleep (which doesn’t happen as often as it should).

  2. Good luck with the editing and getting organized. Please get some sleep.

  3. Sleep is always a good thing to celebrate!

  4. I’m impressed by anyone who has at least one thing organized, and here you have 2+ sleep!

  5. Yay!! What great (and inspiring ) things to celebrate!
    Research is one of those things I LOVE to do… I’ve found that applying the researching skills I’ve learned through my years of schooling to my fiction research has been really helpful. The key: keep organized. As I was working on my Masters Thesis I realized that I was juggling so many sources and different moving parts that things were getting lost (“I KNOW that I read something about that… now.. which book/article was it?”) I had recently started using Scrivener for my writing, so decided to dedicate a document to my note-taking. Each source gets its own folder, with files divided up with whatever makes the most sense (topic, chapter.. I need some work to refine that particular piece). Keywords were used to help identify so I could find information easier, and I kept a master-list of sources.
    You know, I should really start doing the same for my fiction-related-research… yay for getting ideas 🙂

    • Thanks for sharing! You are so organized, I should be taking lessons from you! I usually throw everything into a file, sorting different topics into different files on occasion. Still, it can be quite a mess to sort through. I heard so much about Scrivener and tried the trial version but found it too distracting–at least for the writing part. I probably have to consider it for organization instead.

      • It took me a while to learn how to use it best for writing but now I love it… though I’ve been told that the windows-version that I use is vastly inferior to the apple version but…. using the apple version would involve getting an apple so… that’s not happening.
        It took many many many years of higher education with a huge focus on research to get myself to the point of being quite so organized!

  6. Good luck with the organization. And sleep is indeed a wonderful thing.

  7. So glad you found a solution to fix your novel. Research can be fun, interesting and tediously boring at the same time. Have a great weekend.

  8. You figured out how to fix your beginning? Quick! Tell me! I’m doing revision number 6000 and it’s just not working… I’m wishing you more editing luck and looking forward to author interviews. Have a lovely weekend! 🙂

  9. I love editing! And it always feels so great when you can solve those niggles – well done, beginnings are hard!

    I missed your call for people, but if you are still looking, I’d love to be featured 😉

    • I only love it when it works; most of the time it’s a lot of hair-pulling and head-banging for me. So I’m officially jealous of you! As for the series, I’m always looking for people. I’ll shoot you an email to set something up with you. Thanks!

  10. I heart sleep 🙂 Good luck with the Behind the Scenes project! Sounds like fun.

  11. I’m so glad I stopped by your blog last week. Yes. Sleep is wonderful.

  12. You’re going to be super-organised when it comes to blogging with everyone scheduled 😀 Can’t wait to read them!

  13. Wow! You’ve accomplished a lot in a week! I feel like such a slacker. Your Behind the Scenes project sounds great! I’m looking forward to reading the interviews.

  14. I’m celebrating being on your blog tomorrow!

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